Star of the South

About the project:

Proposed Maximum Capacity (MW):


Technology Proposed:

Fixed bottom

Government Funding?
  • Yes
Feasibility Licence?
  • Yes
Approvals in Place?
  • Yes

Works Completed To Date

Summary of works completed to date:

  • 2-year metocean survey.
  • Initial offshore geophysical inc. export cable.
  • 2-year fauna and flora surveys (onshore & offshore onshore site investigations.
  • Cultural heritage (First Nations).
  • Initial FEED and established project envelope (offshore & offshore).
  • Extensive stakeholder engagement and establishment of Community Advisory Group (CAG).
  • Industry Capability Network (ICN) (procurement portal) in place.

Environment and Planning Approvals

Project referred under Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) and Environment Effects Act Vic (1978) in March 2021
Environment Impact Statement (EIS) (Cth) & Environment Effects Statement (EES) (Vic) scoped in collaboration (March 2022). EIS/EES currently in preparation.

Government Funding Summary

Victorian Energy Innovation Fund (EIF) funding of $19.5m for pre-construction development activities

Approvals and Licences

Offshore Exploration Licence

Feasibility Licence granted