In Little Over 30 Years, Offshore Wind Has Come a Long Way …

In Little Over 30 Years, Offshore Wind Has Come a Long Way …

Industries, just like the technologies that drive them, take time to develop and mature. Once a conceptual and futuristic dream, offshore wind has established itself as a powerful reality. It’s a reality that continues to advance at pace in an industry that has come a long way in a remarkably short space of time. The…

Launching the Energise Project Tracker

Launching the Energise Project Tracker

We are excited to announce the launch of the newest feature on our website, the Project Tracker!  This feature provides an overview of all the proposed offshore wind projects across Australia and New Zealand, allowing industry professionals and interested individuals to stay informed on the latest developments. Each project overview includes key details on the…


Energise Co-Founder Adam Thyboe presents at AWIS 2023

On May 4th, Energise’s Co-Founder and Commercial Director Adam Thyboe presented at the Clean Energy Council’s Australian Wind Industry Summit. Alongside other industry experts, Adam spoke about offshore wind support mechanisms, contracting structures and technology cost curves. Overall, the event was a success, with many interesting and insightful presentations. Adam and the rest of the…

Meet our Engineers with a great future in renewable energy

Meet our young Engineers with a great future in renewable energy

Meet Marcus Romagnesi and Joelin Chen our two talented Junior Engineers who have recently joined us while completing their studies in Resources and Environmental Engineering at Monash University. To better understand their motivations for joining Energise, we asked them a few questions: What first made you interested in renewable energy? Marcus: I have been interested in working in renewable energy…